Speed Reading Courses in Vietnam
In July 2012 ExecuRead Courses were launched in Vietnam for the first time under the banner of Speed Reading JSC. Dr Bruce Stewart spent two weeks in Hanoi assisting with the set-up of the courses which have been translated into Vietnamese and in the training of 15 new instructors, many of whom have Masters and Doctorate degrees and who have been selected from a variety of professions including university professors, Chief Executive Officers and professionals in journalism, pharmaceuticals, accountancy, asset management, engineering and the military.
After a glittering company and product launch to over 75 invited guests from the media, government, education and the business community, Dr Stewart presented the first Vietnamese Speed Reading course to 16 Vietnamese VIPs from various Vietnamese Government Agencies including the Ministry of Education. The Speed Reading courses are viewed as an additional skills-set to the highly successful Soroban Mathematical Courses run by sister-company Vietnam Soroban which has yielded exceptional increases in arithmetical, concentration and thinking skills. The ExecuRead / Speed Reading courses increase the information handling productivity of executives, professionals, managers and students. Course participants increase reading speed and comprehension (reading efficiency) by an average 5 to 10 times, and acquire skills for the effective management of email, newspapers, office reading, technical reading and general knowledge reading. ExecuRead is endorsed worldwide by organizations such as The World Bank, Pentagon, Microsoft, Visa, IBM, HP, Credit Suisse, Bank of America, US Marine Corps, Anglo American, De Beers, Transamerica and the USDA, as well as business schools at Harvard, Georgia State, University of Virginia, Cniversity of Chicago, Georgetown University, Harvard, University of North Carolina and Lincoln Memorial University. ExecuRead was developed by Dr Bruce W Stewart of Speed Reading International (SRI) and courses are now available in Hanoi. The 10 -12-hour classroom courses, (available over 1, 2 or 3 days to suit client requirements) are available worldwide as Private on-site courses for groups of 10 to 25 participants. |
"The most important professional development I've had in years." Brig Gen ***, USAF Pentagon |
Coaching Rates | Cost |
Group of 10 * To Be Advised | To Be Advised |
Group of 20 * To Be Advised | To Be Advised |
* Fees are inclusive of tuition and course materials but exclusive of venue costs and instructor travel & accommodation costs. |
Groups of individuals and companies in Vietnam requiring further course information are invited to contact us.