Faced with ever-increasing student reading workloads, GA State University's Robinson College of Business and Lincoln Memorial University's DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine have commissioned an ExecuRead Advanced Reading Skills Training Program to enhance the reading, comprehension and learning capabilities of their students.
"After a series of pilot courses to test and evaluate the efficacy of the training and its popularity with our students, this course has become indispensable to our students" says Laura Crawley, PH.D., Director Executive MBA Program, J Mack Robinson College of Business.
In addition to these universities, the ExecuRead methodology and techniques have been deployed at the Pentagon, NASA, Defense Intelligence Agency, US Marine Corps 1st and 2nd Intelligence Battalions, Marine Corps Intelligence Schools, Navy & Marine Corps Intelligence Training Centre, Quantico Marine Corps Intelligence Activity and the Navy Special Warfare Development Group.
The training will be provided in September by Dr Bruce Stewart, an advanced reading skills coach for more than 35 years and the president of Charlotte NC - headquartered Speed Reading International.